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Showing posts with label Photoshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoshop. Show all posts


How to Mix Hand Drawing Sketch With Photo

by ADM  |  in Photoshop at  2/15/2014

In this Photoshop tutorial we will show you how to create nice unique photo effect from sketch and your photo. We will use many tools in Photoshop and also you will need some skills in drawing as to create this effect you will need to draw sketch. Also in this tutorialyou will be able to learn the Photoshop technique how to use sketch and combine it with a real picture, as a result you will get a very unique and fantastic effect. So lets start to learn.

Final Image Preview

Hand Drawing Sketch


Open a new document with (w:900px and h:1355px), and white background.
Hand Drawing Sketch


Now open your main image, in this case I used a image of a boy found in Name this layer “Boy”. Now use the tool of your choice to extract the background photo, I used the Pen tool (press P) and created a layer mask to extract the image.When you finish tracing the path around the image click the right mouse button and choose make selection.then in the layers palette click on the Add layer mask button to extract the image.
Hand Drawing Sketch


Now use a simple superimposition technique to draw some elements in the composition. Print a copy of the image and use as a base to add some elements to it. Follow the examples of the images below to get an idea of how to do this. There is no rule in this stage, just follow your imagination.
Hand Drawing Sketch
Hand Drawing Sketch
When you are satisfied with the sketches, scan the sketches and open in Photoshop. Position the sketches above “Boy” layer and use Select -> Color range with fuzziness 120 and hit ok to select the black areas of the sketch. If everything is right you have something like this image. Now name this layer sketch.
Hand Drawing Sketch


I used this texture of metal to form the background. You can download this texture hereor you can get it by download Psd file of this tutorial below. Open the metal texture an place above background layer, name this layer “Texture”. Change the blend mode layer toMultiply and opacity to 30%. Use Burn tool (press O) to burn some areas in our texture.
Hand Drawing Sketch


Create a new layer below the layer “Boy”. Download some water paint brushes and splatter brushes from Deviantart. Use Eyedropper tool (press I), to get a color swatch of the clothing image. Pick a color sample of the shirt, pants and arms. Use different opacities and create a new layer for each color. Then press Ctrl+G and group all brush color tighter, name this group “Body brushes”.
Hand Drawing Sketch


Return the “Boy” layer and click the Layer mask to hide some areas of the image. This process will integrate the brush and the sketches in the image. Choose a water paint or splatter brush with black color and use different opacity, start paint over the mask to hide some areas.
Hand Drawing Sketch


Create a new layer and name “Shadows”. Select the Lasso tool (press L) and adjust the feather to 30px. Create a shape on the floor to simulate a shadow. Right click, select Fillto fill with black color.
Hand Drawing Sketch
Then go to Filter -> Blur -> Motion blur (angle 0, distance 999px) and reduce the layer opacity to 40%.
Hand Drawing Sketch
Copy this layer press Ctrl+J and reduce opacity to 30%. In the layers pallet select all shadows layer together and press Ctrl+G to group this layers.
Hand Drawing Sketch


Create a new layer, name this layer “Line circles”. Select Elliptical marquee tool (press M), hold shift key and draw a perfect circle, then go to Edit -> Stroke: 3px black to color and hit ok.With selection active go to Select -> Transform selection and reduce the size of the circle, use 1px black color this time. Put this layer above “Texture” layer.
Hand Drawing Sketch
Add a layer mask ( click in the layer mask button ) in the layers pallet and hide some areas to create a nice effect. Change color to black and use water paint brushes or splatter brushes with black color and low opacity to hide some areas.
Hand Drawing Sketch


Create another layer and name it “Black bars”. Select Rectangular marquee tool (press M), and draw some black bars like the image bellow.
Hand Drawing Sketch
Press Ctrl+T and rotate 45 degrees. One more time press layer mask icon in the layers pallet, select color black and use Brush tool to hide some areas.
Hand Drawing Sketch
When you finish reduce layer opacity to 20% or 10%. Then group (press G) “Line circles” and “Black bars” layers together, name this group “Circle effects”.
Hand Drawing Sketch


Almost done. Create a new layer and call this layer “Black lines”. Use Pen tool (press P) and create angles and intersecting lines.
Hand Drawing Sketch
Open brush panel and adjust spacing to 425%, select a hard round brush with black color and 1px, press P to Pen tool right click and choose Stroke path without simulate pressureand hit ok.
Hand Drawing Sketch
Repeat this process in other areas, make some circles too, try make things like angles. Make straight lines and dotted lines on separate layers. Finish this step masking or erase some areas in this lines. Group all black lines layers together.
Hand Drawing Sketch


If you want to add a boom box in the composition, follow the steps that were shown above, repeat steps 2 through 6.
Hand Drawing Sketch


Last step. Select Eyedropper tool (press I), take a sample of skin color and paint around the eyes. Use low opacity to paint.
Hand Drawing Sketch

Final Result: Hand Drawing Sketch With Photo Effect

Hand Drawing Sketch

Download Psd file

Coming Home – Photoshop Manipulation

by ADM  |  in Photoshop at  2/15/2014

Today we are going to create a fantasy in space atmosphere in our manipulation.So get ready for a colorful scene using tone correction,color balance,layers adjustments,lighting effects in Photoshop.

Final Result


Stock images needed

Step 1

First we open the cloudy sky stock,then we drag our floating island.The island stock is not such a perfect size for stock but maybe you can find a better one.I tried to resize it a little bit.

Step 2

For this step we cut out the house stock and we put it on the island.This is a high quality stock so we can resize it easier.Don’t forget to cut it with some grass so it fits better with the landscape of the island.

Step 3

Now we bring our air baloon.We cut it and we drag the layer above the background (cloudy sky) so the baloon would look like it’s getting out from the chimney.3

Step 4

We do the same with the propeller so it would look like it’s behind the island.I didn’t find the right stock of a propeller with four blades so i duplicated the layer and i got the right one.

Step 5

Now let’s bring our space scenery in our manipulation.This will give it a little bit more fantasy so the floating island will float in space.Drag it over the sky background so it will blend well with the clouds.

Step 6

Now that we got our space scenery over the backgound we need to change it’s blending.We also crop our background so it will be portrait mode.With the space scenery selected change the blending to Screenand Opacity 100%.

Step 7

Here comes the parachute guy in this step.We cut it out and we place him in the left.I rotate the image of the parachute guy so it looks better like that.To do that go to Image>Image Rotation>Flip Canvas Horizontal.

Step 8

Now it’s time for some lighting effects.First we add some  lighting effect on our parachute guy.With the layer selected go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects.Use the values I used in the image.Also you can change the Color and the Colorize.I used the right one that fits with the light from the left.

Step 9

We do the same with the layer of the air baloon.You can set the intesity of the light so you can chose your own settings if you think mine don’t fit.

Step 10

After we flatten image we can change some tones and add some color to  our manipulation.Here are mines.

Step 11

In this final step we’ll add more contrast with our well known technique,the dodge and burn process.So have fun painting with the Dodge and Burn tools.

Final Result


Making of The City Above the Sky

by ADM  |  in Photoshop at  2/15/2014

city above sky

Hi guys, my name is Joao Marcos Britto and I'm a creative retoucher from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I want to give you an overall idea of how I composed a personal image called The City Above The Sky.
I wanted to make a scene where I had a just the peak of some skyscrapers standing out above the clouds along with some other elements. I was aiming for a stylized look.
I started with a base plate from New York City. I choose that particular photo because of the light direction matched with what I had in mind.

I duplicated the image and sampled a color from the sky. So I start to paint over the city. I used a little bit of the clone tool as well.

Next, I took some photos shot from above the sky and placed above my city. I played a little bit with the 'blend if' controls so I could get a little bit of transparency from the clouds without having to make a mask.


I went back to my original plate and, using the pen tool, I cut out some buildings and place it above the clouds. I corrected the color and contrast to match the atmosphere.



by ADM  |  in Security at  2/15/2014
In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this awesome fiery portrait in Photoshop.This is a beginner-intermediate level tutorial aiming to give some practices on layer blending, selection and coloring techniques in Photoshop. Some steps can be a little tricky, but why not have a try!
Note: The Photoshop tutorial is done in CS6 – therefore some screenshot may have slighting different layout as in the earlier version. Some brushes are exclusive to Photoshop CS6.
Here is a preview of the final effect I have for this tutorial: (click to enlarge)
portrait 2 flatten 532x700 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop

Create a new document sized 800px * 1132px with black background. Load the following blue background texture from the texture pack, copy and paste it over to our document. Resize the texture to fit the size of our canvas:
1 bg paste 504x700 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Add the following image adjustment layers to this background texture layer:
Black and White
1 bw1 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
1 curves1 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
and here is the effect you will have:
1 effect1 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop

Step 2

We will work on the model in this step. Load the model image into Photoshop and select the upper body area, paste it over to our document:
2 model sel 550x628 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Reduce the size of this model layer a bit and move it to the left bottom corner of the canvas:
2 model move 550x411 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Apply the following Surface Blur filter to this model layer to smooth the skin out:
2 sur blur Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Optional step: if you have Photoshop cs6 or above, apply the Oil Painting filter with the following settings to get a even smoother result for the model layer:
2 oil paint Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Apply the following Accented Edges filter settings as shown below:
2 accen edge 550x345 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Use the dodge and burn tool to burn the following area slightly:
2 burn 550x465 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Then, add the following image adjustment layers as clipping masks to this model layer:
Black and White
2 bw1 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
2 lvs1 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
2 curves Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Attached the following layer mask to this model layer:
2 mask 492x700 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
and you will have the following effect so far:
2 effect1 550x535 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop

Step 3

We will add the fire stock into our mix in this step. Load the fire image into Photoshop and use the quick selection tool select a few pieces:
3 sel 550x485 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection to our document and reduce its size, move it to the hair/facial area of the model and change the blending mode to either “screen” or “soft light”:
3 paste Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Repeat the above step and add some more fire over the face, make sure you play with the blending mode for each new fire layer and see what result those blending modes give you:
3 paste 2 550x506 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
This is my result so far:
3 effect 550x503 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop

Step 4

We will be adding a few extra effects for our image in this step. We can create a new layer and paint some cloud effect around the following area, with a cloud/smoke brush, or with the cloud filter:
4 cloud1 550x562 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
We will go back to the fire stock image and select the entire fire:
4 sel fire 550x653 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection over to our document and place it above the model layer. Use the free transform tool to flip it horizontally, set its blending mode to “color burn”:
4 col burn 550x394 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
and here is the effect you will have:
4 effect 550x358 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop

Step 5

We’re almost done! For final touches, we can flatten the image and duplicate the background layer, apply the following Accented Edges filter settings to the duplicate layer:
5 acc edge 550x451 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Add the following layer mask to this duplicate layer:
5 mask 550x610 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
Change the layer blending mode to “overlay” for this duplicated layer:
5 overlay 550x394 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
and here is the effect you will have:
5 effect 550x677 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop
I further add some colors for the photo with the selective color adjustment layer (I will leave the settings to you, feel free to apply whatever colour scheme you like!), and here is my final effect: (click to enlarge)
portrait 2 flatten 532x700 Create Colourful Fiery Portrait in Photoshop

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